What is Contemporary Urban Anthropology?
“Contemporary Urban Anthropology” is a theoretical real estate and urban planning concept that applies an anthropological approach to understanding our “built environment,” and facilitating “best practices” to modern urban planning, development, redevelopment, obsolete facility reuse, and real estate end-user site selection analyses.
In this context, real estate practitioners in all the above described disciplines – who in theory are building the relics of tomorrow today – can determine and modify the traditional real estate appraisal definition of “highest & best use (HBU),” to include qualitative factors that consider the most appropriate use and design relative to urban and suburban real estate utility.
Real estate utility is determined by a given real estate improvement’s functional contribution to its surrounding environment relative to anthropological and cultural considerations. These considerations contemplate where people of a given community live, work, learn, recreate, worship, do commerce, and takes into consideration current economic and business cycle characteristics.
This contemporary anthropological approach to real estate also considers a given community’s physical characteristics including topography, geology, hydrology, infrastructure, climate, and others.
Download our paper "Real Estate Property Reuse as Contemporary Urban Anthropology."